Scroll to explore Johann's journey

1 Guntramsdorf

Johann Stojka, known to his family and friends as Mongo, was born on 20 May 1929 in Guntramsdorf, near Vienna.

2 Paletzgasse 42

Mongo and his family lived in Paletzgasse 42, Vienna, from 1939.

Family Stojka in Vienna with Viennese friends and family
Family Stojka in Vienna with Viennese friends and family, around 1939; Mother (second from left), her sister Kathi (third from left),Mrs Sprach (5th from left) and the brothers Ossi, Hansi (Mongo), Karli (from left to right).Image copyright: 'Archive of the Documentation - and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma'.

3 Rossauerlände detention centre

On 3 March 1943, Mongo was detained in Rossauerlände detention centre in Vienna.

4 Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp

Towards the end of 1943, Mongo was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration and Death Camp.

5 Buchenwald Concentration Camp

Mongo was deported from Auschwitz-Birkenau to Buchenwald Concentration Camp in August or September 1943.

Sleeping bunks in Buchenwald. Image credit: © The Wiener Holocaust Library.
Mongo's illustrations depict what he saw while incarcerated in Buchenwald Concentration Camp.

6 Flossenbürg Concentration Camp

In early April 1945, Mongo was sent to Flossenbürg Concentration Camp.

7 Rötz (Germany)

Mongo was liberated by the American army near Rötz, Germany, in April 1945.

8 Hohenauergasse

Mongo was finally reunited with his family in Hohenauergasse, Vienna, in May 1947.

9 Gymnasiumstrasse

Towards the end of 1947, Mongo settled with his family in Gymnasiumstrasse, Vienna.

Image copyright: © Felicitas Kruse (2004).