The Holocaust was the attempt by the Nazis and their collaborators to murder all European Jewry. Between 1933-1945, Jews living in countries ruled or occupied by the Nazis faced restrictions and persecution. By the end of the Second World War more than six million Jews had been murdered.
The persecution of Roma and Sinti people took place alongside the Holocaust. Historians estimate that between 200,000 and 500,000 Roma and Sinti people were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators in what is now called the Roma genocide.

Retrace the steps of six people whose lives were irreversibly altered as a result of Nazi persecution during the Second World War.
Explore each person’s story through the possessions that meant the most to them – the seemingly everyday items that reveal details of incomprehensible events..
Learn about the physical and emotional journeys these individuals went on before, during, and in some cases after, the war.

Retrace the steps of six people whose lives were irreversibly altered as a result of Nazi persecution during the Second World War.
Explore each person’s story through the possessions that meant the most to them – the seemingly everyday items that reveal details of incomprehensible events.
Learn about the physical and emotional journeys these individuals went on before, during, and in some cases after, the war.